Start a Chapter

Register your chapter today!

What is a Chapter?

A chapter is a branch of Inspired 2 Uplift that is formed at a specific school or educational institution. The goal of each chapter is to promote awareness for youth affected by disabilities, and if a special needs facility exists at your institution, buddy sessions. Each chapter will be provided with some funds, a website, personalized emails (e.g,, and various other resources to help you lead the club. You will also have to recruit your own team of Executives and/or Buddies.

Starting a chapter of Inspired 2 Uplift at your school can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. It allows you to make a positive impact in your community and provides an opportunity to gain leadership and organizational skills. As a chapter leader, you will have the responsibility of recruiting and training volunteers, planning events and activities, and overseeing the operations of the chapter.

All About an I2U Chapter

Benefits Starting a Chapter

Setting up Your Chapter 

During the school year:

Promoting Your Chapter 

Ready to Get Started?

Visit our main website at the link below to register!